Complete Oversight of All Company Assets

SELLEASE is a comprehensive solution for managing all enterprise assets, including physical and digital assets, software. It helps optimize assets and reduce costs efficiently.

Sellease Dashboard
Monitors piling up in storage?
High subscription/rental costs?
Unused IT software?
Your valuable assets are being wasted.

It slows productivity and decision-making.
You risk losing competitiveness in a changing market.

Problem Image

Stop the waste Start growing.

Sellease Stop Waste Start Growing

Instantly check asset status and value.

Easily manage assets with QR codes and track them in real time. Streamline audits and inspections with full inventory checks.

Sellease Home Asset
Sellease Digital Asset Management

Never Miss a Digital Asset Deadline

Stay informed with timely notifications about upcoming digital asset expirations, ensuring seamless management and protection of your valuable assets.

Discover usage insights for SaaS and On-Premise software

Analyze software usage by adoption, frequency, and daily time to optimize systems and cut costs.Detect and manage shadow software instantly.

Sellease Main Sowftware

심플 하지만 강력한 기능

경영과 비즈니스에서 중요하지 않은 업무는 없습니다.단순하지만 반복적인 중요한 업무를 챙겨드립니다.


도메인 / 인증서 관리

보이지 않는 중요한 자산인 도메인과 인증서를 관리합니다.


세이프 노티

자산의 유효 기간이 만료되거나 리스크가 있는 경우 이메일, 문자로 알려드립니다.


자산 찾아보기

소프트웨어 구독, 렌탈, 라이선스 등 필요한 자산을 검색하고 쉽게 찾을 수 있습니다.



회사 조직도를 만들고 임직원이 보유한 자산을 한눈에 확인할 수 있습니다.


A seamless Zero UI experience at your fingertips.

PC 와 모바일

PC & Mobile

Accessible seamlessly on both PC and mobile.

Just Chat

Just Chat

Access asset information easily via chat.



Always-available AI, work never stops—even from 6 to 9.


Data Protection

Set access permissions for asset data.

Protect assets with strict data security.

Secure enterprise assets and employee data with top-tier security.All data is encrypted, and access is strictly controlled.Management-related information is safely handled and protected from external threats.

Key highlights from early adopters' experiences

Hear firsthand experiences from early SELLEASE users.


"We used to manage IT devices with Excel and didn't track other tangible assets. After adopting SELLEASE, we now manage everything in one place, including software licenses and rental assets. Compared to competitors, SELLEASE has the best UI/UX."

Suger Manager
Impact AI

"Before SELLEASE, our asset management Excel differed from the accountant’s, making financial closing complex. With just an A4 printer and a smartphone, there were no initial costs. Seeing the printed SELLEASE labels feels satisfying."

GA Manager
Impact AI

"Software costs kept rising, but we had no clear visibility on actual usage, making cost reduction difficult. After adopting SELLEASE, we could instantly see software usage rates and cut unnecessary expenses at once."

캐릭터 3
Innovative companies are choosing SELLEASE!

Start waste-free management for free.

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Basic Plan

Asset Management for Individual

Get Started
What's included:
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Includes 1 Admin and up to 10 Users
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Up to 100 Assets Registered
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Asset dashboard for clear visibility.
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QR Code-Based Asset Management
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12 & 24-Split Label Printing
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Email Notifications for Asset History
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Business Plan
$99 / month

EAM for Business

Get Started
What's included:
Icon - Elements Webflow Library - BRIX Templates
Includes Basic Plan Features
Icon - Elements Webflow Library - BRIX Templates
Includes 10 Admin and up to 300 Users
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Up to 10,000 Assets Registered
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QR Code Employee Asset Checkout
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Custom Logo Setup for Branding
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SMS Notifications for Asset History
Rocket - Elements Webflow Library - BRIX Templates
Enterprise Plan
Contact Sales

Automated ITAM for Business

Contact Sales
What's included:
Icon - Elements Webflow Library - BRIX Templates
Includes Business Plan Features
Icon - Elements Webflow Library - BRIX Templates
Unlimited Admins and Users
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Unlimited Assets Registered
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PC Agent-Based Automated ITAM
Icon - Elements Webflow Library - BRIX Templates
Automatic Registration of PC Assets
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License Optimization Based on Software Usage
Icon - Elements Webflow Library - BRIX Templates
AI Powered by Company Data(Beta)

Connecting trust between businesses and people through data.

최고의 기술파트너와 함께하고 있습니다.

마이크로소프트 로고임팩트AI 로고SPin 테크놀로지 로고

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엑셀 파일만 보내주시면 모두 셋팅해 드립니다.

간단한 양식을 작성하고 셀리즈 서비스를 바로 사용해볼 수 있습니다. 지금 요청하세요!

지금 영업팀에 문의하여 무료 상담을 받아보세요!

셀리즈 서비스가 궁금하신가요? 문의 주시면 셀리즈의 서비스와 기술을 확인해볼 수 있습니다.

Contact Sales

SELLEASE's support team is always here for you.

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Thank you

문의해 주셔서 감사합니다. 빠른 시일 내에 회신 드리겠습니다.
에러가 발생했습니다. 다시 시도해주세요.
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